1. Introduction of Beacon Foundation for Research & Development.
  2. Organizational Capacity
  3. Objectives
  4. Focus Groups
  5. Projects
  6. Overview of Organizational Work



Beacon Foundation for Research and Development (BFRD) is struggling for social change inoursociety.BFRDis Non-political Nongovernment, Nonprofit, Secular Development Oriented Organization formed by a group of highly motivated. Professionals and Volunteers.BFRD with the mandate to promote and facilitate theirliaison,Coordination,Resource Mobilization and Capacity building in order to enable them to effectively respond to the challenges of social change and Development in Pakistan.BFRD is established on self basis irrespective of religion,creed,caste,sexandsect.BFR Deregister redounded society’sact1860.Registrat ionno.isRJSC/FSD/962



We at Beacon Foundation for Research and Development (BFRD) are Professional in our respective fields. We are experienced in Research and Community based projects like Community Development, Education, Nutrition, Reproductive Health, Water and Sanitation, Mother and Child Health Care, HIV/AIDS, STI’s Hepatitis,

Drug Detoxification, Rehabilitation and Primary HealthCare (PHC).

Beacon Foundation for Research and Development (BFRD) includes Doctors, Journalists, Social Activists, Lawyers, Professors, Psychologist, Health Practitioners, Bankers, Businessmen, Peer educators and other Professionals. Beacon Foundation for Research and Development (BFRD) firmly believes that the paramount solution to improve and develop condition sofa community could only be done by developing their abilities to mobilize, manage and controller calando external resource sin depend entry.

  • To Promote and conduct researchstudies
  • To promote good health, Nutrition and Reproductive healthissues.
  • To create Training/education center and healthcenter.
  • Toworkforupliftingthestatusofwomeninthesociety,providehelpunderhealth&nutritionservices for women andchildren.
  • To work for basic womenrights.
  • Toworkforupliftingpoorrural/villagepeoplefortheiroveralldevelopment.
  • To work or assist for the general welfare of thepeople.
  • ToeducateandsupportpeoplelivingwithHIV/AIDS(PLWA)andtheirfamilies.
  • Toprovideawarenessregardingthehazardsofdrugs,alcohol,variouspandemics,STI’s,Health&Hygien eissues;Mother&Childcareissuesetc.togeneralcommunityespeciallyyouth.
  • ToeducateyoungpeopleonthedangerouseffectsandpreventionofHIVandAIDS
  • ToinvolvePeoplelivingwithAIDS(PLWA)toorganizethemselvestoaddresstheirneeds,plansolut iontotheirproblemsandtakeresponsibilitiesfordevelopmentactions
  • Improving the social, educational and economic situations of PLWA
  • TocollaboratewithanyotheragencythatsharessimilargoalsandaspirationstowardsPLWA’sempowe rment, good Governance, Gender, Health andEducation

To provide, promote and share better standards/environment in terms of health,education,development,livingetc.amongthetheindividualsandcommunitiesforamodelfuture.


Socially and economically empower, educate and develop various communities to understand&utilizeallavailablemeansforasustainablehumandevelopment.


  • Youth (male andfemale)
  • Women (in house and outhouse)
  • Blood Banks and MedicalInstitutions
  • Laborclass
  • Students
  • High risk groups (CSWs and DUs/IDUs)
  • GeneralPopulation
  • Communities

Projects, Studies/Surveys, Team Experience, Volunteer Work etc. 

  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Faisalabad and Sargodha in Alliance with Roshan Rasta (RR), Lahore supported by Punjab AIDS Control Program, Health Department (Govt. of Punjab) in 2014-2016.
  • Provision of HIV Prevention and Diagnostic Services for Jail Inmates in Central Jail

Faisalabad, a Project of Punjab AIDS Control Program, Government of Punjab Health Department (2015, Discontinued due to jails recent security matters.)

  • Distribution of Wheel Chairs among the disabled with the help of Australian High Commission (Direct AID Program).
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Sargodha supported by Punjab AIDS Control program, Health Department (Govt. of Punjab) in 2012-13.
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Faisalabad in Alliance with Roshan Rasta (RR), Lahore supported by Punjab AIDS Control program, Health Department (Govt. of Punjab) in 2012-13.
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Faisalabad in Alliance with Roshan Rasta (RR), Lahore supported by Punjab AIDS Control program, Health department (Govt. of Punjab) in 2011-2012 Surveys and Studies:
  • Mapping and Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) for key Population in Faisalabad by AP Consultants/Bridge Consultants Foundation in collaboration with Punjab AIDS Control Program (2016).
  • HIV/AIDS Surveillance National and Provincial AIDS Control Program round (IV) by Bahria/Bridge Consultants Foundation in collaboration with Punjab AIDS Control Program, Government of Punjab Health department (2015-16)
  • Mapping and Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) for key Population in Faisalabad Funded by Punjab AIDS Control Program, Department of Health, Govt. of Punjab 2014.

Volunteer Work:

  • Project on HTC/VCT for spouses of PWID/IDU’s in Faisalabad and Sargodha 2014. Team Members Experience in Different Projects/Studies:
  • Canada-Pakistan HIV/AIDS surveillance project in Faisalabad (Funded by Canadian

International Development Agency, CIDA)

  • HASP Round (IV) 2011
  • HASP Round (III) 2008
  • HASP Round (II) 2006-08
  • HASP Round (I) 2005 Activities:
  • World AIDS Day Program 2015
  • World AIDS Day Program 2013
  • World AIDS Day Program 2012
  • World AIDS Day Program 2011
  • World AIDS Day Program 2010
  • Awareness on Drug Abuse 2010
  • Awareness Activity with Teens in Collaboration with Wada Foundation, 2010

Overview of Projects:

An Overview of a Field Work in SDP for IDU’s at Faisalabad Office 2016:

Field Work

An Overview of a training session and role plays on Mapping Study by PACP at Faisalabad Office 2015:

Training Session & Group Discussion

An Overview of a training session and role plays on Mapping Study by PACP at Faisalabad Office 2015:

An Overview of a training session and role plays on Mapping Study by PACP at Faisalabad Office 2015:

Training Session During Mapping

Role Play During a Study

Training Session

Role Play

· HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Sargodha supported Punjab AIDS Control program, Health department (Govt.of Punjab) in 2012~2013:


An Overview of Wheel Distribution Program funded by Australian HighCommission (Direct AidProgram):

Australian High Commissioner and other guests

Aus. High Commissioner, Asst. Dir. PACP & Beacon Foundation Team

Assistant Director Punjab AIDS Control Program in Wheel Chair Distribution

Aus. High Commission In Wheel Chair Distribution

Distribution of Chairs on
Disabled People Residence

Distribution of Chairs on Disabled People Residence

An Overview of Wheel Distribution Program funded by Australian HighCommission (Direct AidProgram):

Australian High Commissioner and other guests

Aus. High Commissioner, Asst. Dir. PACP & Beacon Foundation Team

Assistant Director Punjab AIDS Control Program in Wheel Chair Distribution

Aus. High Commission In Wheel Chair Distribution

Distribution of Chairs on
Disabled People Residence

Distribution of Chairs on Disabled People Residence

An Overview of Sargodha Office Work:

Discussing Daily Schedule

Updating Daily Reports

Daily Worked Checked by Field Manager

Stock Room

  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Among street base injecting drug users in Sargodha supported Punjab AIDS Control program, Health department (Govt. of Punjab) in2012~2013:

An Overview of Field Work:

Collection of Used Syringe

Out Reach Providing ADS at Spot

Medical Facilities at BFRD Office

Group Counseling at Spot

Clients Injecting at Spot

Clients Receiving Syringes at Spot